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Goodbye 2012. You were good!

Writer's picture: Jordan HodgesJordan Hodges

Amanda and I.

Well… 2012 is over. As I look back at what the year held for me and my family I cannot help but be amazed. So much has happened. I had struggles and challenges that I didn’t see coming. I had victories and blessing come that I could not have imagined. Overall, im really in awe at what God has done for me and my little family. I think its important to reflect over what what God has done in your life and give Him thanks. Here is my list of some things I am thankful for that The Lord brought my way in 2012!

1. I grew closer to Jesus. I want, desire, and need Him more than I ever have. Many things from 2012 pushed me to this very good place.

2. I grew closer to my wife than ever before. Despite the struggles of ministry and being new parents and pastors we have grown stronger than ever. We celebrated 5 years of marriage and have been in love for 6. She’s the caramel in my Mocha.

3. Amanda and I saw literally hundreds of people make decisions to follow Jesus through the ministry God has entrusted us with in 2012!

4. We saw so many people set free, lives changed, people baptized  families rescued, poor people fed an clothed in 2012 I dont even know if I can wrap my mind around the impact.

5. In Feb 2012 we were able to go full time at the church Campus we started in April 2011. God is so good.

6. We added three new staff members to the North campus team in 2012. Two of them associate pastors. We know God loves us when we think of who God has brought to our team.

7. We saw so many new people join our fight and grab the vision of CFC and join ministry teams in 2012 on the North campus. Dozens of people serve with us to reach this city that didn’t in 2011. We are so proud of every person that serves God and is working to reach the people He died for.

8. Me, Amanda AND Jeremiah enjoyed our first FAMILY vacation in 2012!

9. My Nephew Logan was born! One of my highlights for sure!

10. Amanda and I joined forces with some friends to re-birth a business that will fund outreach ministry to our city. Sweet Hope Candy and The Hope Project was born.

11. We made several new friends.

12. I listened to more podcast and received more ministry this year than in years past.

13. I gave more of myself to the people in my life and church than I ever have. Learned what it really means to be filled to be emptied again.

14. I started running and exercising more than years past. Ran my first races, bought a bike for Triathlons in 2013 and feel better than ever.

15. I bought the car I have wanted sense high school. WRX baby.

16. Technologically; I became an Apple only guy. (Never saw that coming, but dont regret it)

17. Dreamed more than I ever have.

18. I lost 25 pounds this year.

19. I got to sing on a Sunday morning. Once. On accident. I have a feeling it wont happen again…

20. I grew as a husband father and pastor.

21. I married off so many cool couples! What an honor.

I am already dreaming and seeking! God about all He has for me and my family in 2013. I hope you are too! Life is more fun when you DREAM with GOD! he has better things for you this year than last!

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