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Expiration Date

Writer's picture: Jordan HodgesJordan Hodges

Psalm 139:16 Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

This is a beautiful picture of how the Lord works. He knew who would come to Him and He had our days planned before the foundation of the world existed. This really is an incredible thing to think about. The God of the universe, taking time and caring enough to have a plan for our lives. Something that He wants us to walk in and He wants to empower us to do.

However, if He has a plan for our lives then that means He planned the beginning and the end of our lives right? That means that each person has an expiration date. But unlike a package of hamburger we do not get to see ours. We don’t know when our time is up.

In every person there is a passion, there is a dream, a vision to see something happen that has not happened yet. Maybe it is to start a business, or reach out to orphans and the lost in another country. Maybe its to go back to school to be a nurse. You are here for a reason. I am here for a reason. Most of us know that, if you don’t I’m telling you now, YOU are here for a REASON. Our responsibility is to find out what that reason is and then walk in it. We don’t need to be afraid of what may happen in the event we step out into what the Lord has put in our heart. He is with us and has planned our days. What He plans, He provides for.

Did you ever think you were created for something more? Have you ever felt like you are wasting your life? Whats your dream? What is your hearts desire? Martin Luther said, ” If you could do whatever you wanted and would not fail, what would you do? Whatever you just thought of is what FEAR is keeping you from.”

You were created by almighty God. He created you with a purpose and a passion. We don’t know how long we will be here and we don’t have time to be afraid. You were made for something greater. Walk in it. The times are dark and people need to see the church lit up with purpose that only comes from walking in what the Lord has ordained for US! We only get one shot friends. Dream big and move on it, because I promise His plan for you is greater than your plan for yourself.

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