Today I cannot stop thinking of the blood of Jesus. If you don’t know Jesus that may disturb you to some extent. That I am obsessed with the blood of Jesus. But see it’s because of this blood that I am free, that I am saved, that I am changed, that I am who I am today.
There is a scripture in Revelation 12:11, it says “They overcame by the “BLOOD OF THE LAMB” and the word of their testimony.” Too many in this world today are overcome by the world; it has taken you to a dark place that seems hopeless. A place that has you bound and addicted or has you scared and feeling helpless, has you comparing yourself to others. It’s Easter and we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. The fact that He died on the cross for us and then rose from the dead! Because He shed his blood for us we have the power to overcome every circumstance, addiction, depression…ect
As a matter of fact, the only thing we need to overcome this world is the blood of Jesus. He has provided so completely through His blood, that this is all we need to be overcomer. He has provided deliverance, forgiveness, power. Everything we need.
But there is one more piece that we can leave out. “The word of their testimony” God will not normally do for us what we can do for ourselves. He has called us to share with the world what he has done in our lives. If you have called on the name of Jesus, He has saved you completely. (Hebrews 7:25) but he has also called you. He has called you to share with the world what has been done for you. As you begin to share with other people what Christ has done for you, He will speak to them through it. They will be drawn to the Savior they need, to the blood that has the power to save an deliver and empower them.
Share with someone what Christ has done in your life. Share with someone what the sacrifice of Jesus has done to change you. If you need to be free, call on the name of Jesus, ask Him to cleanse you with that same sacrifice, that same blood. You will never be the same.