I am so excited for tomorrow at CFC. Not just because I have two things I will be announcing that quite frankly are two of the very biggest things I have ever announced personally regarding our CFC One Voice vision……But because this Sunday is one of my favorite Sundays of the year. This is the Sunday our church will freely give away everything a family needs to cook their entire thanksgiving dinner to over 100 families in our community. Many of these families have little to no other way to have a nice dinner for their family on this special day. There are no strings attached. We just want to love and let them know they are loved by God.
Very simply we give people a reason to be thankful…. We give “thanks.”
So much happens as we do this…..
People experience the generosity of a people captured by the heart of God and their lives are impacted by the love of God.
I can barley wait to see this unfold tomorrow.