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The Storms Of Change

Writer's picture: Jordan HodgesJordan Hodges

I have been camping out in one of my favorite passages for a while now. Jeremiah 17:7. Thanks to a friend of mine, thanks Kasia!

The months leading from winter into summer contain many storms. To get from one season to another you must endure some storms. They will come, this is certain. We are “oh” so familiar with the annual process of surviving storms to get to summer.

But the same is true with our walk of faith. When God is about to move you from one thing to another, from “winter” to “summer” there will be storms that must be endured. The word speaks of when these times come, not if. If a storm has not hit your life, it will. It’s part of the plan.

But for those who trust the Lord, not what they see, but trust in the Lord, there is a special place where we wait for these storms  to pass. This is a place all of us must find if we are to learn that the storms are a place of growth and preparation, not just hardship and trial. There is a special place in Christ for us during the storms of change. If we would only reach into it and find the peace, and protection that Christ desperately wants to bring to you. Its our right as children of God to hide in Jesus, to be strengthened in Jesus. We are promised the streangth to endure and the protection of the almighty if we would press in and let our saviour comfort us in that special place.

Maybe you, like me, find yourself in a storm. Storms come in the midst of change and change is always good. As we look to Jesus we dig deeper into that place where His peace is, where his presence is, and where the refreshment of His spirit is. Find that place you are promised in Him and be strengthened, and know that we will always make it out stronger and closer to Jesus than ever before. Your best is yet to be.

Jer 17:7 “But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,

whose confidence is in him.

8 He will be like a tree planted by the water

that sends out its roots by the stream.

It does not fear when heat comes;

its leaves are always green.

It has no worries in a year of drought

and never fails to bear fruit.”

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