I was thinking about the story of Jesus in the wilderness today. The baptism of Jesus directly proceeds the testing of Jesus. The testing of Jesus directly proceeds the greatest ministry the world has ever and will ever seen.
Testing does happen. There are seasons in your life when things are allowed to come at you that are outside of the normal day to day. There are times in your life when it can seem like all of hell has just broke loose. There are times when it seems like you might not be able to make it through. There may be times that will temp you to doubt. The Devil said to Jesus “if you are the son of God”. Making it sound like if He was being watched over by the Lord the things going on in His life would not be happening. Thats a lie, and if it happed to Jesus it can happen to us. Just like the Lord came to the rescue of Jesus( the bible says he sent His angels to minister to Him), He will come to the rescue of you. He will tend to you in your moment of weakness and will not let you be tempted beyond what you can stand. He will not let you fall. Stand strong on what the word says. Your going to make it.
Stand in the word.
He will never leave you and never forsake you.
He is always near.
Go after Him and you will receive from Him, seek Him and you will find Him.
Greater is He who is in you, then he that is in the world.
Those that call on His name will not be disappointed but see the miraculous.
In times of great purpose and victory there may be great trial and testing. The Lord has never failed anyone and it always gives me joy to know He promised He would not start with me. I hope it brings you Joy as well to know He will not start with you. His love never fails.